What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity that are inconsistent with the child’s developmental level. For a diagnosis, the behaviours and difficulties associated with ADHD must interfere significantly with an individual’s functioning.

The DSM-5 criteria, defined by the American Psychiatric Association (2013), include three subtypes of ADHD: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, and combined presentation. DSM-5 criteria require onset of symptoms by age 12 (but not necessarily causing impairment). Symptoms must have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is inconsistent with the child’s developmental level and have caused impairment directly on social and academic/occupational activities.

People with ADHD have difficulties with:

  • Sustaining attention
  • Filtering out distractions in the environment
  • Organisation and planning
  • Listening when spoken to
  • Focussing on details, leading to making mistakes
  • Impulsive behaviour, such as interrupting others
  • Hyperactivity
  • Difficulties waiting their turn
  • Fidgeting and restlessness

Types of ADHD

There are three types of ADHD; predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive and impulsive; and combined presentation (both inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive).

We assess children from 6 years old and adults for ADHD alongside an assessment of autism. Please note that we also provide ADHD only assessments.

Our clinicians are experienced in assessing people who have complex or additional needs. For example, many of our clients have comorbid ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), executive function problems, sensory processing disorder, Irlens Syndrome (visual stress), dyslexia, intellectual or learning disabilities, mental health problems and genetic syndromes. We specialise in assessing girls and women, who have learned to “mask” their symptoms. We are also trained and experienced in screening for comorbid Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) alongside an assessment of autism.