

We are able to make referrals for children and adults to a Specialist Psychiatry Service to discuss medication for:

  • ADHD
  • Sleep
  • Managing mental health

There will be additional fees for this service and may require travel to a clinic in London. We will make a referral on your behalf and if accepted, you will be offered an initial consultation session.


Following your assessment, we will make recommendations and signpost you to local services that may be helpful to you and/or your child. This may include statutory, voluntary and private services.

Follow-Up Sessions

We provide online drop-in Q&A sessions for parents of children and young people diagnosed with Autism and/or ADHD. This is available at any time.

Individual Therapy

We also provide individual therapy with a Chartered Clinical Psychologist. This can be in-person in Ramsgate, Kent, or online. There will be additional fees for this service.