Autism and ADHD Assessments

At The Autism and ADHD Service we provide high quality diagnostic assessments for:

  • Autism
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Combined Autism and ADHD
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All of our diagnostic assessments follow NHS guidelines and are accepted by the NHS, Social Services and Education Authorities. We use diagnostic assessment tools that are recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

Autism Assessments for Children

Our assessments include:

  • A specialist and comprehensive interview to learn about your child’s development.
  • The Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised Edition (ADI-R) or 3Di. This is an extended interview designed to elicit a full range of information needed to assist in the diagnosis of autism.
  • The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, second edition (ADOS-2). The ADOS-2 is a structured observation that assesses a child’s social communication and their interaction style with an unfamiliar adult.
  • A review of reports and information from past assessments with other professionals.
  • We gather information and/or liaise with the pre-school, nursery, school or college prior to the assessment. We may arrange an observation if required.
  • Immediate feedback with a face-to-face discussion of the assessment outcome.
  • Face-to-face consultation about particular concerns or difficulties.
  • A comprehensive and detailed report within two to three weeks of the assessment. The report contains details about how the conclusion was reached with recommendations based on what your child’s particular needs are. This may include recommendations of management strategies for your child or the whole family, resources that may be helpful for parents and siblings, signposting to relevant local support services, and recommendations for current or future education.


Autism Assessments for Adults

Our assessments include:

  • A comprehensive developmental interview.
  • The Autism Diagnostic Interview, Revised Edition (ADI-R). This is an extended interview designed to elicit a full range of information needed to assist in the diagnosis of autism.
  • The Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA).
  • The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, second edition (ADOS-2). The ADOS-2 is a structured observation that assesses a person’s social communication abilities and their interaction style.
  • Immediate feedback with a face-to-face discussion of the assessment outcome.
  • Face-to-face consultation about particular concerns or difficulties.
  • A comprehensive and detailed report within two to three weeks of the assessment. The report contains details about how the conclusion was reached with recommendations based on what your particular needs are. This may include resources that may be helpful for you or your family, signposting to relevant local support services, and recommendations for current or future support.
  • We can provide additional letters for your employer to help them to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace.
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All of our diagnostic assessments follow NHS guidelines and are accepted by the NHS, Social Services and Education Authorities. We use diagnostic assessment tools that are recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Effectiveness (NICE).

ADHD Assessments for Children

Our assessments include:

  • A specialist and comprehensive interview to learn about your child’s development.
  • Gathering information regarding ADHD symptoms from school or college.
  • Administration of the Conners-4 ADHD Screen.
  • Administration of the ADHD Children’s Evaluation (ACE).
  • Administration of the QbCheck.


ADHD Assessments for Adults

Our assessments include:

  • A comprehensive developmental interview including education, work history and relationship history.
  • A psychological and emotional health assessment.
  • Administration of the ADHD Evaluation (ACE+).
  • Administration of the QbCheck.
We do not add additional charges for follow up support, letters or completion of forms post assessment. For information regarding fees, please contact us:
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    Queries and bookings

    Speak to us if you’re interested in booking an assessment or if you have any queries we can help you with.


    01843 663116

    Opening Hours

    Mon - Fri (09:00 - 17:00.
    losed Sat & Sun)